Who we help
Delivering three core programmes of therapy, education and sports & recreation, we improve our riders’ strength, tone, balance, flexibility, confidence, self-esteem, independence and communication.
We offer programmes for children, youth and adults. We work closely with whanau, schools and medical practitioners to get the maximum benefit for each rider.
Our qualified coaches prepare an individualised goal-based programme with measurable goals for each rider based on their needs.
Our riders have a diverse range of disabilities including;
Emotional, learning or social difficulties
Intellectual disabilities
Traumatic brain injury
Visual or hearing impairment
Cerebral Palsy
Down syndrome
Spina bifida
Multiple Sclerosis
Muscular dystrophy
Williams syndrome and more.

The bond between a horse and rider is very special and riders learn to show kindness and love towards their horse and learn to trust and be trustworthy, which are very valuable life lessons which can be taken back into their family, school and community lives.
If you know someone who could benefit from being part of the Marlborough RDA, please contact us.